Yesterday marked the 48th birthday of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan took to Instagram to share a heartfelt tribute. Aishwarya posted a collection of images, together with a selfie that includes herself, Abhishek, and their daughter Aaradhya, all wearing matching pink outfits. One other picture showcased a younger Abhishek, captured candidly in black and white.
In the meantime, Shweta Bachchan, Abhishek’s sister, shared a nostalgic childhood picture of the 2 of them, accompanied by a heartfelt message wishing him a implausible birthday.
By way of their skilled lives, Abhishek was final seen within the movie Ghoomer alongside Saiyami Kher. Directed by R Balki, the film additionally featured Angad Bedi and Shabana Azmi in pivotal roles. Then again, Aishwarya garnered reward for her efficiency in director Mani Ratnam’s epic interval drama Ponniyin Selvan – 2, which obtained acclaim from audiences.