B-town woke as much as a contented information yesterday. Actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra took to social media to disclose that she and her husband Raj Kundra have been blessed with a baby girl, Samisha Shetty Kundra. The couple turned mother and father to the baby girl by way of surrogacy and are extraordinarily ecstatic about the identical. In an interview with a number one day by day, Shilpa revealed that she and Raj had been making an attempt for a second youngster because the previous 5 years. The couple already has a son, Viaan Raj Kundra and with the baby girl coming in, their household is unquestionably full.
Speaking about the identical Shilpa stated, “I had signed Nikamma and had dedicated my dates to Hungama once I received the information that in February, we have been going to be mother and father once more. We cleared our work schedules for the entire month.”
Shilpa additionally praised her group for serving to every thing to occur easily, she stated, “They helped me full most of my work earlier than I took the lengthy break in February.” Congratulations to you Shilpa and Raj!