Ram Charan has been making headlines ever since Shah Rukh Khan made an idly remark at the Ambani bash. The video of Jawan star calling the RRR star on stage for exhibiting them the dance on Naatu Naatu has been going viral, and his idly remark has left many followers upset and that’s calling it disrespect. The newest buzz is that Ram Charan’s make-up artist walked out from the Ambani bash.
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Cease spreading your faux agendas againt #ShahRukhKhan to fulfill your individual ego …
Each @iamsrk and #RamCharan love and respect every others alot and its really seen ?
Maintain on crying pricey haters pic.twitter.com/B5e01HVNbT
— Aʙᴅᴜ (@isrkiaa) March 4, 2024
Ram Charan’s make-up artist Zeba Haasan Zaidi walks out of the Ambani bash after Shah Rukh Khan’s idly remark on the star and calls it disrespectful
Zeba shared an extended submit expressing her disappointment on her Instagram tales, Zeba wrote,” Coming from the trade it is so saddening to say that each one the South Indian stars, artists and so on should not actually appreciated or given the respect that all of us deserve. It is humorous how everybody desires to pay us “lesser” as a result of we’re from south India the place as they’re okay to pay triple the quantity for the identical factor to an artist if that artist is Delhi or Mumbai primarily based. I am so grateful to the mega household for all the time supporting the South Indian group, they selected give me the probability to shine & pay me as a lot as they might to the Mumbai /Delhi team, the place as they might simply get anybody on board.”
The assertion additional reads, ” Additionally the new “development” of calling “superstar make up artists” from Mumbai is consuming up all the enterprise for the new artists in Hyderabad, I’ve so many Dms of women who message me asking me in the event that they help me and so they’ve graduated from so and so make up faculties in India, London, Texas and so on however they are not capable of get work.
Truthfully an artist who comes from Mumbai is gonna be equally good as an artist who works with celebs right here, in the event you undergo their profile or look intently you may perceive it is virtually the identical. I hope the coming season we study to rent South Indians & not selected the north (unpopular opinion once more)
Shah Rukh Khan left Ram Charan followers upset together with his remark at the actor
As the video of Dunki star calling Ram idly vada, the followers of the RRR star are calling it a disgrace and are claiming that is one thing they by no means anticipated from him.
Watch the video of Shah Rukh Khan
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