A few weeks in the past I printed instructions for concurrently captioning and translating PowerPoint displays. That is one among many useful, often ignored, options that’s constructed into PowerPoint. Video recording is one other useful function constructed into PowerPoint.
The built-in video recording device in PowerPoint let’s you file your self speaking over any and your whole slides. You possibly can have your webcam turned on or off when recording. (I choose to go away my webcam on when recording a display screen as a result of it personalizes the video). It’s also possible to use some built-in drawing instruments to draw in your slide whereas speaking and recording. Maybe one of the best function of all for some individuals would be the choice to see your speaker notes whereas recording with out the speaker notes exhibiting up in the video.
Movies that you just file in PowerPoint are mechanically inserted into your presentation. While you share your slides, viewers can watch the movies you have added into your presentation.
In my new video that’s embedded under I show how to file a video in PowerPoint.
Purposes for Schooling
That is clearly a good device for making educational movies to your college students to watch. I might additionally take into account having college students use the built-in recording device in PowerPoint to create brief movies of their displays. The drawing instruments which might be out there may very well be good for having college students clarify their math or for having them annotate a chunk of textual content on a slide or spotlight elements of a diagram in a slide.