Aayush Sharma and Saiee Manjrekar have collaborated collectively for the primary time for a video music. The music titled Manjha is sung by Vishal Mishra and has the recent pair that includes collectively within the soulful monitor. Manjha is a coronary heart touching romantic quantity which is certain to make a place within the prime spots of the music charts quickly. Salman Khan who made Saiee and Aayush make their debut in Dabangg 3 and Loveyatri respectively is extraordinarily stoked concerning the pair coming collectively for the stunning monitor.
Salman Khan tweeted saying, “Ayush n saiee in manjha Tera, sahi hai , good music n each of u wanting v good , excellent hold it up n hold working , god bless. @aaysharma @saieemmanjrekar @VishalMMishra”
Try the monitor proper right here.